As well as being treated as a cash transaction, a reservation or an offer, a sale transacted in Checkout can also be concluded as an invoiced transaction. If Tools – Settings – Skischool – Sale options – Open invoice after sale is activated, the Invoices window opens after Sales checkout. As with offers it is also possible here to edit receiver, address, suffix, etc. and to send the invoice by e-mail or to print it. In addition, a type of invoice (detailed invoice, delivery note, reminder, voucher invoice, check list, reminder voucher) can be selected when sending or printing out the invoice.
Where voucher items are sold, an invoice is automatically generated for the voucher partners – they can be found in the Sales – Invoices navigation bar. One collective invoice is generated for each voucher partner. Future sales are not entered on a new invoice for the same voucher partner until the invoice is closed by using the Close Invoice icon.
The individual positions on the invoice are listed in the lower window. These can be extended by adding items (the Ticket Sales dialogue opens).
The invoice is displayed in detail under the Preview tab.
Unpaid invoices have a red background; paid invoices have a green background. As a rule invoices are always unpaid and the Pay invoice icon opens the payment window for invoices. There is the possibility under Discount to deduct a percentage or absolute amount as a discount, e.g. a discount of 3 per cent. The reason for the discount is entered in the Comment field. The method of payment used is selected under Payment and the sum received is entered alongside this. If the entire open amount has been paid, this amount may stand at €0.00. The invoice date is selected in the invoice date field. The creation date for the Austrian Cash Register Security Regulation (RKSV) for cash sales is always the date on which the payment was entered.
The invoices can be sorted and put into sequence under Extras – Settings and it is possible to specify whether only invoices for the current season or all the invoices should be displayed.
Settings for invoice details can be found under Extras – Customise. This is where the positioning of the header and the addresses is specified and the content of the footer, the invoice details, the calculation of VAT and the print-out of course dates is determined.
Invoices are automatically numbered sequentially. If the invoice number is changed during invoicing or subsequently, this affects the next newly created invoice and all the subsequent invoices.
Invoices can be edited only if they have not been closed.
The address and suffix can be entered as default under Tools – Settings – Invoice for all invoices. If the address or the suffix for an individual invoice is entered, the entry creates the standard text to be stored for this invoice.
Editing positions
The individual positions on an invoice can be edited by right clicking on the respective position.
Change to prepayment: The selected invoice position changes to a prepayment and at the same time the position is set to paid.
Allocate Invoice No.: The selected positions give rise to another invoice, which is not closed.
Change: Opens the Sales dialogue, in order to change the item in the selected position.
Remove: Deletes the selected position from the invoice, but the Journal entry remains unchanged.
Cancellation: The cancellation dialogue opens, in order to cancel the selected position.
Give discount: A discount can be given on the selected position.
Change Method of Payment: Changes the method of payment for the selected position.
Net position: Removes the Value Added Tax from the selected position; only the net amount is shown on the invoice for the marked position.
Change billing date: This is where the billing date for credit transfers can be changed in the Date column. No change can be made to cash sales.
Split course: This is used to split courses. To do this, the day, on which the course is to be split (2nd part) is ticked. This entry splits the course into two positions.
Sort: Here the positions can be differently sorted.
Show Journal positions: In order to edit positions in retrospect, this should be called up in the Journal and corrected there.
Select all: Selects all the positions on the invoice.
Printing invoices
Various ways of displaying and/or printing the selected invoice can be selected under Print – Invoice.
Detailed invoices, delivery notes and reminders are sent to the customer and show the course details. Voucher invoices, check lists and reminder vouchers are designed for voucher partners and present a summary overview of the positions.
In addition the language, an alternative header and other components, which should be shown on the invoice, can be selected.
All tickets sold are individually listed on the check list showing course type, course participant and structuring according to course type. This list shows how many courses of which course type at which total price have been sold.
The check list is sent as a control to the voucher partner, so that the voucher partner can check whether all the tickets in the list have been sold to its customers.
After the control the voucher partner receives the voucher invoice. This lists only the course types together with the number of courses sold. This closes the invoice and no further courses can be booked on it. When the customer pays the invoice, the method of payment must be changed on the invoice and/or the invoice set to paid.
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